It’s time to give up the “war on Christmas.” It was lost a long time ago.

‘Tis the season — the season for snow, gift-giving, carols, family, big meals … and lawsuits. Christmas-related lawsuits and complaints have become as reliable a tradition as any other. Already a couple has won a $75,000 lawsuit against their homeowners’ association who wanted them to take down their Christmas light display. A Nebraska principal banned all things Christmas at her […]

In defense of missions: Why the claim that Christian missions is white colonialism is totally wrong

In recent times, missionaries used to be generally respected by society. Even those who disagreed with their message had to admire those who would pack up, leave their home, and live in a foreign country to share a message of hope with the people. There was a widespread appreciation for the fact that many of these missionaries, in addition to […]

Why I’m proud to be an American

Why I’m proud to be an American

It’s in tumultuous times that we celebrate the 242nd birthday of the United States of America. Everywhere, people will be waving American flags, having barbecues, and watching fireworks; that much is certain. But underneath it all is a lot of negative sentiment about our country, too. A recent poll, in fact, showed that, for the first time this century, a […]

Israel, and how sensationalistic beliefs and excitement about the end times can hurt our Christian witness

Israel has been in the news a lot lately, and it’s been some big news. First, there’s been rumors of war flying concerning Israel and its newest archnemesis, Iran. This itself is nothing new, but now there’s actually been an exchange of attacks in Syria. On top of that, just yesterday the United States celebrated the opening of its embassy […]