5 Bible verses that inform how we should respond to stay-at-home orders

Draconian. That seems to be one of the new words du jour as governmental stay-at-home orders only get stricter. Michigan, my state, has even made national news for having some of the strictest restrictions in the nation. Here, all gatherings, public and private, are banned until May 1. Certain stores are even prohibited from selling certain items. The laws are […]

3 ways our most treasured American value stands in the way of us knowing Christ

The United States of America has a very polarized climate nowadays. From both sides of the political aisle, we don’t have a lot in common. On nearly every issue imaginable, conservatives and liberals can find something to disagree on. Through all the battles, though, there’s one value that everyone agrees is among the highest of human goods, and most of […]

Turn the other cheek doesn’t mean never fight (6 reasons why)

Turn the other cheek. It’s one of the most well-known sayings of Jesus. Just about everyone has heard it; just about everyone has used it. But do we really understand what it means? It definitely shocked Jesus’ hearers. They lived in a war-weary land that was plagued by violence. In the last century alone, they’d suffered under the rule of […]

If you ignore your conscience, it will stop working

If you ignore your conscience, it will stop working

Sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell. Those are the traditional five senses with which God has endowed us so that we can perceive the realities of the physical world. (It’s now thought that there are considerably more than five; we can include temperature, pressure, balance, proprioception, pain, hunger/thirst, oxygenation, and as many as ten more.) These senses are essential to optimal […]