Theological triage: What do you have to believe to be a Christian? And just how important is all the rest?

I didn’t invent the term “theological triage.” Albert Mohler did in an article in 2004. By using the term, Mohler compared the prioritization of various doctrines we believe as Christians to the way hospitals prioritize the addressing of certain, more urgent maladies over others (such as in the extreme case of COVID-19). The term illustrates how the Bible speaks to […]

Is your view of God big enough to encompass the entire universe…and all the life that may be in it?

On Thursday, NASA is expected to hold a press conference about a new find made by its Kepler planet-hunting telescope. It’s possible it could involve finding an extrasolar planet that’s very similar to Earth. This isn’t 20th-century science fiction anymore. Gone are the days when talk of extraterrestrial life centered around UFOs and abductions by little green men. It’s no […]