“One Another”: 9 ways we can — and must — be the church

“One Another”: 9 ways we can — and must — be the church

The United States is one of the most individualistic cultures in the world, perhaps in the history of the world. As a culture, we value independence, individual freedom, being self-made and self-sufficient, and having a distinct, individual identity perhaps more than any other. So what do we do when a highly individual-centered culture meets the highly community-centered one outlined in […]

9 things to know about “Generation Z”

Recently, the Barna group undertook a comprehensive survey — the first of its kind — of the lifestyles, habits, and worldviews of what it calls “Generation Z,” that is, the post-millennial generation. Based on Barna’s definition, millennials are those born between 1984 and 1998, and so Generation Z is those born in 1999 or later — those who are 18 […]

3 reasons science can never displace Christianity

There’s a very popular and common narrative in our culture about the relationship between science and religion. At its core, the idea is pretty simple: Religion, particularly Christianity, has suppressed and kept humanity in darkness about the scientific world, and science has enlightened us to the realities of it. Religion is blamed for things like suppressing Galileo, a belief in […]