God is the best explanation for why anything exists at all (the argument from contingency)

Why is there something rather than nothing? It’s the most foundational question you can ask about existence. Why does anything exist at all? Every single thing that exists in this universe — every atom, every star, every person, every mountain, every animal — it is possible for that thing not to exist. So too, there is no law of logic […]

God is the best explanation for the beginning of the universe (the kalam cosmological argument)

Welcome to the first of several posts on making the case for God’s existence and involvement in the world, and in our lives personally. In this series, I want to discuss human experience and observation from many different fields, and how God is the best explanation for it all. This is a more hard-science-themed post, and a few others will […]

Science is not an alternative to faith in God. In fact, our knowledge and experience cannot be adequately explained without God.

I was seven years old when I asked. My parents and I were sitting in the living room, and I asked them whether Santa Claus was actually real. At that point I really already knew the answer, but I wanted to hear it for certain. After a long moment, my parents told me the truth: Our Christmas presents each year […]

3 reasons science can never displace Christianity

There’s a very popular and common narrative in our culture about the relationship between science and religion. At its core, the idea is pretty simple: Religion, particularly Christianity, has suppressed and kept humanity in darkness about the scientific world, and science has enlightened us to the realities of it. Religion is blamed for things like suppressing Galileo, a belief in […]

Pope Francis, it’s not unloving for God to “lead us into temptation”

Pope Francis, head of the Roman Catholic Church, has made news for being one of the most unconventional recent popes. He has suggested that the Catholic Church needs to change its attitude toward certain issues, opted to eschew the typical papal residence for a modest guesthouse, and occasionally drawn the ire of both political conservatives and theologically conservative Catholics. He […]