God is the best explanation for why we can trust our own minds, and naturalism completely undercuts itself

Here’s a form of a narrative you’ll hear increasingly commonly in the popular media and, often, scientific authorities. It goes something like this: The first life forms began when the necessary organic materials came together and began to sustain themselves and reproduce. Over billions of years, these organisms adapted and evolved to survive in their ever-changing environment, eventually acquiring a […]

3 reasons science can never displace Christianity

There’s a very popular and common narrative in our culture about the relationship between science and religion. At its core, the idea is pretty simple: Religion, particularly Christianity, has suppressed and kept humanity in darkness about the scientific world, and science has enlightened us to the realities of it. Religion is blamed for things like suppressing Galileo, a belief in […]

How do you tell the difference between a miracle and coincidence?

The idea that supernatural forces make things happen in the natural world is one that fascinates everyone, skeptic and believer alike. As far back as we have record, people have claimed to experience and perform miracles. These range from voices thundering from heaven to controlling the weather to defying the laws of physics to healing incurable diseases to receiving divine […]